Duty compelled me to skim through
Book Three of Alastair Campbell’s diary extracts in case he had failed to
delete something incriminating about our military intervention in
Regime change
in Iraq
Broadly speaking, the diary extracts
back up the thesis established by the leaked official documents from March 2002
that, by then, Blair had taken the decision to give the US military assistance
to change the regime in Iraq (see my pamphlet Iraq: How regime change was dressed up as disarmament [1]).
Remember that one of the leaked
documents was a memo, dated 14 March 2002, to Blair from his then Foreign
Policy adviser, Sir David Manning. In
it, Manning reported on a conversation with Condoleezza Rice, who was Bush’s
National Security adviser at the time, in which he told her that Blair “would
not budge in [his] support for regime change”.
There are occasional titbits in Campbell’s
diary extracts that back up the view that regime change, and not just
disarmament, was Blair’s settled position by the time he went to meet Bush in
Crawford, Texas on 6/7 April 2002. For
example, on 2 April 2002,
“We discussed whether the
central aim was WMD or regime change. ... TB felt it was regime change in
part because of WMD but more broadly because of the threat to the region and
the world.”
This is weak confirmation compared
with that provided by Christopher Meyer, who was British Ambassador in
“By this stage, Tony
Blair had already taken the decision to support regime change, though he was
discreet about saying so in public.” (p 241)
Indeed he was.
Later, for 23 July 2002, the diary
extracts say:
“TB saw regime change as
the route to dealing with WMD.”
This was the day “TB chaired a big
“… it would make a big
difference politically and legally if Saddam refused to allow in the UN
inspectors. … If the political context were right, people would support regime
change.” [2]
Later, for 31 August 2002,
“Blair was a lot steelier
than when we went on holiday. Clear that
getting Saddam was the right thing to do.”
And for 23 September 2002:
“TB … really believed in
getting rid of bad people like Saddam.”
All of this should be contrasted
with his clear statement to the House of Commons on 25 February 2003 that his
sole objective was the disarmament of
“I detest his [Saddam
Hussein’s] regime – I hope most people do – but even now, he could save it by
complying with the UN's demand. Even now, we are prepared to go the extra step
to achieve disarmament peacefully.” [3]
Links with
The most interesting piece I found
“TB felt we had to be
pushing two main arguments – the moral case [is that Saddam Hussein was a bad
person – DM] and the reason why the threat was real and current, not because he
could whack missiles off at
This shows that Downing Street was
concerned that the
So, an alternative line was
manufactured, which did not postulate an existing connection between Saddam Hussein
and al-Qaida, but speculated about a future connection. (And this non-existent connection was why the
threat from Saddam Hussein was “real and current”, writes
This line about a possible future
connection featured strongly in Blair’s speech to the House of Commons on 18
March 2003 when he was trying to persuade the House of Commons to vote to take
military action against
“The key today is
stability and order. The threat is chaos and disorder – and there are two
begetters of chaos: tyrannical regimes with weapons of mass destruction and
extreme terrorist groups who profess a perverted and false view of Islam…
“Those two threats have,
of course, different motives and different origins, but they share one basic
common view: they detest the freedom, democracy and tolerance that are the
hallmarks of our way of life. At the moment, I accept fully that the
association between the two is loose—but it is hardening. The possibility of
the two coming together – of terrorist groups in possession of weapons of mass
destruction or even of a so-called dirty radiological bomb – is now, in my judgment,
a real and present danger to
Of course, neither Campbell nor
Blair felt the need to tell the British Parliament or people that the British
intelligence services had warned them that the threat from al-Qaida would be increased by taking military action
against Iraq, as would the risk of Iraqi “weapons of mass destruction” falling
into the hands of al-Qaida. We know this
from the Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) report Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction – Intelligence and Assessments
published in September 2003, Paragraphs 125-128 of which are concerned with
terrorism. On 10 February 2003, the
Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC) produced an assessment entitled International Terrorism: War with Iraq [4],
in which, according to the ISC report, it
“assessed that al-Qaida
and associated groups continued to represent by far the greatest terrorist
threat to Western interests, and that threat would be heightened by military
action against
The JIC also
“assessed that any
collapse of the Iraqi regime would increase the risk of chemical and biological
warfare technology or agents finding their way into the hands of terrorists,
not necessarily al-Qaida.”
Blair didn’t tell the House of
Commons about either of these warnings on 18 March 2003, lest its enthusiasm
for military action against
Robin Cook
“Robin C said we were in
a tremendous position on the UN, ‘thanks to you’, he said to TB. He said the prospect of getting a second
resolution was stronger if we do not rule out saying we may do it without one.”
That indicates that in mid-January
he was in favour of military action as long as a second UN resolution was
passed and perhaps even without one. And
remember the draft second resolution that failed to get the support of the
Security Council did not authorise
military action against
Cook willingness to contemplate
military action against
Cook’s anti-war credentials are
greatly exaggerated. In the Commons
debate on the Hutton Report on 20 July 2004, Cook described the Government’s
dossier on
David Morrison
& Trade Union Review
29 July
[1] www.david-morrison.org.uk/iraq/blairs-big-lie.pdf
[2] www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article387374.ece
[3] www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200203/cmhansrd/vo030225/debtext/30225-05.htm
[4] www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/publications/reports/isc/iwmdia.pdf
[5] www.david-morrison.org.uk/iraq/ags-legal-advice.pdf
[6] www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200304/cmhansrd/vo040720/debtext/40720-26.htm